Spine of lottery operation - A robust back office system

Lottery industry is the most unpredictable yet most fascinating industry and the fact is surely undeniable.  The industry has more pressure on the lottery operators than on the lottery players, for the operators face numerous challenges in the wake of having their businesses run smoothly.

SMS/Text based lottery is a real big deal!

With the mobile technology moving ahead of reach, the possibilities it offers also are beyond any other ordinary services.  Mobile technology has made life pretty easy. Right from a simple email to transferring money, mobiles have made it to the top notch.   

Online Lottery and Market Response

Invigorate Your Technology Dependence and the Rest Follows….

The Internet arena has always been a hope for a better tomorrow.  Especially, when it comes to lottery industry, the opportunities to innovate are simply mushrooming.  Since the geek-slow-dialup Internet in the 90’s, the progress towards the 2k’s has been really immense and awe-inspiring.